Software localisation in Berlin

It will come as no surprise that people are more likely to buy a product if it is advertised in their language. Software in the local language of the target market boosts acceptance, improves usability and reduces the likelihood of user errors. As a result, software suppliers don’t have to provide as much support and they can tap into new sales markets.
What is localisation?
Software localisation means adapting all texts forming part of a software program to the linguistic and cultural characteristics of a particular target region. It entails more than just translating the user interface texts; text lengths also have to be taken into account, dialogue windows and hot keys adapted, variables and codes protected.
The entire package, consisting of software user interfaces, online help sections, manuals, specifications, implementation descriptions, webinars and licence agreements, has to be available in all relevant languages by the big day. SPRACHWEISER makes this possible.
Competent support and suitable solutions
For further details please read our blog on software localisation.
Contact us now for an individual quote.