Editing and proofreading in Berlin

While an author creatively puts pen to paper, a proofreader corrects spelling, punctuation, grammar and inconsistencies. An editor additionally adapts stylistic and content-related aspects to make a text appealing to the respective target audience and to ensure that the requirements of the specific subject matter are met.
Your text is your business card
SPRACHWEISER offers editing and proofreading services for texts written in German, English and other languages.
We are specialised in technical, legal, marketing and medical content but would also be happy to take on texts from other fields.
Whether it be:
• Websites
• Academic papers (bachelor or master theses, dissertations, publications)
• Factual books
• Catalogues
• Contracts
or the like:
SPRACHWEISER delivers flawless texts to suit your needs.
Contact us now for an individual quote.