
Frau Peggy Lindner e.K.,
firmierend unter Sprachweiser
Bessemerstraße 82 / 10. OG Süd
12103 Berlin

Telephone: + 49 (0) 30 . 69 20 16 63

Peggy Lindner owns and represents the company.

Registrar of companies: Local court of Charlottenburg HRA 55637 B

VAT identification number: DE302197433

Es wird eine Berufshaftpflichtversicherung beim Versicherer Basler Sachversicherungs-AG unterhalten, die deutschlandweit gilt.

Content: The content of these web pages was compiled with the utmost care. However, the operator cannot guarantee that the information provided is error-free and accurate. The operator does not assume any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website unless it can be proved that the operator is at fault as a result of intentional or grossly negligent actions.

Links: Where the operator directly or indirectly references external websites in the form of links, they cannot assume any liability for the content of these sites. The operator hereby declares that the linked sites did not contain any illegal content at the time of placing the links. The operator has no influence on the current and future composition of the linked sites. Any changes to the content made after the sites were linked are beyond the control of the operator.